Leading with ethics and integrity
Upholding the highest ethical integrity and leadership standards is vital to our success. Our Code of Ethics sets clear standards of behaviour that our employees and board members are expected to follow.
Leading with ethics and integrity helps us attract, hire and retain the very best people. It reinforces our ability to compete with integrity in the most competitive global markets. And, it gives us a sense of pride and instills confidence in all our stakeholders that we are a trustworthy partner. From the boardroom to day-to-day operations on our shop floors, our compliance culture permeates all facets of our business.
Ethics awareness
Our senior leadership team sets the right tone from the top and continues to reinforce our shared responsibility to all act with openness, honesty and unwavering integrity. They communicate regularly on the importance of nurturing and growing a strong compliance awareness culture. Through the Ethics & Leadership series, we bring to life the important role our leaders play to inspire the right behaviours and create a safe environment for employees to speak up.
Ethics and compliance has also been reinforced as part of our on-boarding process for new employees to ensure they share our values right from the start and know the channels available to them to report any concerns.
Our “Ethics in Action” series is an employee bulletin which communicates concrete examples on how to make the right decisions.
Ambassadors network
Our Ethics & Compliance Ambassadors continue to play an integral role in embedding our strong compliance culture at our sites.
In addition to being a liaison between our local sites and Corporate Ethics & Compliance Office, our ambassadors act as on-site resources for employees whenever they have questions, concerns or need training on specific topics related to ethics and compliance.
We continuously deploy enhanced ethics and compliance training for all our employees, including e-learning and in-person training.
We provide multiple online training modules to office employees worldwide and also provide in-person training for employees in certain functions and on our Code of Ethics to shop floor employees.